INAF Sponsors American Go Instructors’ Workshop

The Workshop was held October 18-25 in Tokyo, Japan, with 9 participants from US and Mexico. For detailed story, see photo by Nihon Kiin

November 12th, 2016|Go Center|

East Coast Go Center Award Goes to Washington, DC

INAF today announces in Tokyo the award to establish a Go Center on the east coast in the Washington DC area. To be located in the nation's capital, this new hub for Go is incorporating as a non-profit to be called the National Go Center ( For details, see here.

July 7th, 2016|Go Center|

Applications are Being Accepted for Go Teachers’ Workshop

INAF and Nihon Kiin jointly announced the establishment of a Go Teachers’ Workshop, to be held at Nihon Kiin, Tokyo, in the Fall of 2016. The details may be found here.

February 8th, 2016|INAF|