News related to Go Center

National Go Center Renewed for Five More Years

The National Go Center, partly funded by INAF, has been renewed for five more years from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2026.  Review of the renewal request was led by Dave Weimer and involved three external reviewers in addition to the directors.  The effort of the NGC staff and its army of volunteers in the first five years was well recognized by all reviewers.  INAF also approved an extra funding to help relieve the financial burden due to the COVID shutdown.

May 27th, 2021|

Michael Remond visiting National Go Center

The National Go Center in Washington, DC hosted a teaching visit in September from Mr Michael Redmond 9P of the Nihon Ki-In. The visit was sponsored by the Iwamoto North America Foundation with numerous exciting events for the go community in DC and surrounding areas.

In addition to numerous teaching sessions and lectures, a part of the visit was to inaugurate a new broadcast room at the National Go Center.  After live Twitch broadcasts at the recent US Go Congress attracted audiences of over 12,000, the AGA E-Journal broadcast team members Nathan Epstein, Joel Cahalan and Jeff Fitzgerald – who worked with director Stephen Hu — enlisted the E-Journal and the National Go Center to see if a year-round home could be found for the E-Journal’s broadcasting efforts. “We really upped our broadcasting capabilities at the Congress,” Epstein said. “Having a dedicated space will allow us to continue to develop that outreach capability.” NGC Executive Director Gurujeet Khalsa added that “The National Go Center is excited to support this outreach by the E-Journal and the AGA,” with the donated space at the Center.

Children at Great Falls Elementary School gathered for Redmond’s lecture

Redmond meets one of the resident Go teachers, Yuan Zhou.

Redmond and Chris Garlock, AGA e-journal editor, checking out the new NGC broadcast setup.
November 28th, 2018|

National Go Center Signs Lease

The INAF-sponsored National Go Center has signed a lease for a 2,900 square feet space on Wisconsin Avenue, two blocks from the Tenley Metro stop in Washington, DC. For more details, see

February 1st, 2017|

INAF Sponsors American Go Instructors’ Workshop

The Workshop was held October 18-25 in Tokyo, Japan, with 9 participants from US and Mexico. For detailed story, see

photo by Nihon Kiin

photo by Nihon Kiin

November 12th, 2016|

East Coast Go Center Award Goes to Washington, DC

INAF today announces in Tokyo the award to establish a Go Center on the east coast in the Washington DC area. To be located in the nation’s capital, this new hub for Go is incorporating as a non-profit to be called the National Go Center ( For details, see here.

July 7th, 2016|

Formal RFP for East Coast Go Center Released

At its June 2015 Board Meeting, INAF Board has passed the formal Request For Proposal (RFP) for the East Coast Go Center. The details may be found here. Interested parties are welcomed to contact any of the Board members.

June 23rd, 2015|

Pre-RFP for East Coast Go Center

INAF is looking to start an East Coast Go Center. We expect to send out a formal Request-for-Proposal (RFP) in mid-2015. Here is the preliminary announcement.

November 29th, 2014|